Manage Novell eDirectory with Mobile Admin
This section provides information about how to use the Mobile Admin Client to manage Novell servers.
All the procedures in this document assume that you are logged in to Mobile Admin and that you have selected a Novell server to mange from you server list. The first step in managing any aspect of Novell eDirectory is to select the Novell Console icon from the Mobile Admin Manage Services screen or from a view of a server reached from the Mobile Admin Manage Hosts screen.
Novel eDirectory is detected if a successful LDAP bind can be performed and an attribute named "vendorName" with the value "Novell" is found.
Mobile Admin will prompt for your Novell eDirectory credentials.
Communication Method
The communication method is LDAP.
A variety of desktop tools provided by Novell can be run on the Mobile Admin server to check for valid operation.
Log in to a Novell server
The Novell Login screen will appear the first time that you access a Novell server with Mobile Admin.
To login to a Novell server:
- On the Novell Console Login screen, complete the fields as required:
- Username – Type a valid Novell user name, using Distinguished Name syntax. For example: cn=myname, o=mycompany.
- Password – Type the password that is associated with the user name.
- On the menu or the login screen, click Login.
Re-authenticate a Novell server
- From the Novell Console screen, select Re-authenticate from the menu.
- Complete the following fields:
- Username – Type a valid Novell user name, using Distinguished Name syntax.
- Password – Type the password that is associated with the user name.
- On the menu or the login screen, click Login.
Manage eDirectory and NDS servers
You can manage the eDirectory and NDS servers in Mobile Admin for the server you have selected.
To view an organization, simply select the organization you wish to view from a view of the Novell Console screen. To view the properties of an organization, select the organization you are interested in and select Properties from the menu.
Manage organizational units
You can manage Novell organizational units in Mobile Admin for the server you have selected. To view an organizational unit, simply select the organizational unit that you are interested in from a view of the Novell Console screen.
Create an organizational unit
- From the Novell Console screen, browse to the location where you want to create a new organizational unit.
- On the menu, select New Organizational Unit.
- Enter the name for the organizational unit, and select Save from the menu or the screen associated with the new unit.
View and editing organizational unit properties
- From the Novell Console screen, locate and select the organizational unit for which you would like to view or edit properties.
On the menu, click Properties.
You will see a display of the properties for the unit selected.
- To edit the organizational unit properties, make the desired changes in the information fields.
- Click Save on the menu or the screen associated with the organizational unit selected.
Rename an organizational unit
- From the Novell Console screen, locate and select the organizational unit you wish to rename.
- On the menu, click Properties.
- On the menu, click Rename.
- Type the new name for the unit and click Save on the menu or on the screen.
Delete an organizational unit
- From the Novell Console screen, locate and select the organizational unit you wish to rename.
- On the menu, click Delete.
Manage users and groups
You can manage Novell users and groups in Mobile Admin for the server you have selected.
Create a user
- From the Novell Console screen, browse to the location where you want to create a new user.
- On the menu, select New User.
- Complete the information fields presented and select Save on the menu or New User screen.
View or edit a user
From the Novell Console screen, locate and select the user you wish to view or edit. Mobile Admin will display the properties of the selected user.
To edit the user properties, make the desired changes in the information fields and click Save on the menu or the screen associated with the user.
Rename a user
- From the Novell Console screen, locate and select the user you wish to rename.
- On the menu, click Rename.
- Enter the new name for the user and click Save on the menu or on the screen associated with the selected user.
Delete a user
- From the Novell Console screen, locate and select the user you wish to delete.
- On the menu, click Delete.
Change user password settings
Use this procedure to enable or disable a user account, enable or disable the user’s ability to change their password, or to set a new password for a user.
- From the Novell Console screen, locate and select the user whose password settings you with to change.
- On the menu, click Restrictions.
- Perform one of the following, as desired.
- If you want to enable a disabled user account, uncheck or turn OFF the Account Disabled option.
- If you want to allow the user to change their password, check or turn ON the Allow Change Password option.
- If you do not want to allow the user to change her password, uncheck or turn OFF the Allow Change Password option.
- If you want to set a new password for the user, enter a new password in the New Password field and re-type the password to confirm it.
- Select Save from the menu or on the screen.
Change a user logon script
- From the Novell Console screen, locate and select the user whose logon script you want to change.
- On the menu, click Logon Script.
- Type the desired changes to the user’s logon script and click Save on the menu or screen associated with the selected user.
Add and removing users to and from groups (from a view of a user)
- From the Novell Console screen, locate and select the user you want to add to a group.
- On the menu, click Group Membership.
To add the user to a group click Add on the menu.
- In the Object Name field, type the name of the group you want to add the user to.
- Click Add on the menu or on screen associated with adding the user to the group.
To remove a user from a group, scroll to the group that you want to remove the user from and click Delete on the menu.
Create a group
- From the Novell Console screen, browse to the location where you want to create a new group.
- On the menu, select New Group.
- Type the name of the new group and click Save on the menu or New Group screen.
- Complete the information fields and click Save on the menu or the screen associated with the new group.
View or edit a group
- From the Novell Console screen, browse to the location of the group you want to view or edit.
- Select the group you wish to view or edit. A screen displaying the properties of the group will appear.
- To edit the group, make the desired changes in the information fields and click Save on the menu or the screen.
Rename a group
- From the Novell Console screen, locate and select the group you wish to rename.
- On the menu, click Rename.
- Type the new name of the group and click Save on the menu or the screen.
Delete a group
- From the Novell Console screen, locate and select the group you want to delete.
- On the menu, click Delete.
Add and remove users to or from groups (from a view of the group)
- From the Novell Console screen, locate and select the group whose membership you wish to modify.
- On the menu, click Members.
To add a user:
- Click Add on the menu.
- In the Object Name field, type the name of the user that you want to add to the group.
- Click Add on the menu or the Add Member screen.
To remove a user:
- Scroll to the user you wish to remove from the group.
- Select Delete from the menu.
Search for an object (user or group)
Use this procedure to search an entire organization or organizational units for a specific user or group.
- From the Novell Console screen, browse to the location where you want to start your search for an object.
- On the menu, click Find.
- Complete the following fields:
- Name – type the name, or part of the name of the object that you want to search for.
- Object Type – from the drop-down list, select the type of object you want to search for.
- On the menu, click Find.