Documentation forIpMonitor
Effective December 31, 2024, IpMonitor has reached its end of life and is no longer available or supported. If you liked IpMonitor, consider trying another SolarWinds product.

Upgrade ipMonitor

Latest version: 11.2

This section walks you through the process of upgrading your SolarWinds ipMonitor software.

SolarWinds Technical Support no longer provides support for ipMonitor 10.6 and earlier versions. All information and procedures for these versions are provided for guidance only.

Preflight upgrade checklist

This preflight checklist details a number of important steps to help you plan and prepare for the upgrade.

When you are ready to upgrade, complete these steps. They include the common actions you need to complete before you upgrade your ipMonitor software.

Review the release notes

Review the product release notes and available documentation in the SolarWinds Success Center.

Migrating to a new system?

See Move a licensed installation of ipMonitor to another system for instructions.

Review the system requirements

Make sure your environment has all of the required hardware and software requirements for your installations.

Review your licenses Review your current product license and determine if you need to make any changes. You can download any updated license keys for your upgrade through your Customer Portal. Verify any license upgrades and needs with your SolarWinds account manager or contact SolarWinds.
Gather credentials

Make sure you have the following:

  • User account credentials for all users you want to add as ipMonitor administrators
  • IP address and listening port number for the SNMP Trap Listener (port 443 for HTTPS or port 8080 for HTTP)
  • (Optional) Local System account credentials to run the ipMonitor service on a local user account
Run all Windows updates Before you upgrade, check for and run all Microsoft Windows Server updates on your ipMonitor server. As you upgrade, if a Windows update runs, your system may reboot as needed by Windows.
Schedule the upgrade Set up the maintenance window, preferably during off-peak hours. Depending on the size of environment, you may need additional time to complete the upgrade.
Notify your company Send a message to your company of the upgrade schedule and maintenance window. If you need additional help, contact and allocate specific staff to be available.

Prepare your environment to upgrade

When you are ready to upgrade, complete these steps. They include the common actions you need to complete before upgrading products.

If you have a test or staging environment, we highly recommend testing the upgrade first. You cannot roll back an installation when it is completed.

Back up your ipMonitor server Create a backup of the server hosting ipMonitor.
Check your hard drive space Verify that you have enough hard drive space for the zipped and unzipped installer.

Upgrade to the latest version

This checklist details the steps for upgrading ipMonitor in your environment.

If you have a test or staging environment, we highly recommend testing the upgrade first. You cannot roll back an upgrade once it's completed.

If you are upgrading from ipMonitor 8.3 or earlier, upgrade to ipMonitor 9.0 first. When the upgrade is completed, upgrade to the latest release.

  1. Log in to the Windows server as an administrator.
  2. Download the software.
    1. Go to the SolarWinds Customer Portal.
    2. Enter your organization's SWID and your email address, and then click Log In.
    3. Click Downloads > Download Product.
    4. Search for ipMonitor and your license.
    5. Download the latest ipMonitor version.
  3. Extract the contents of the downloaded installation ZIP file to the server.
  4. Double-click the Setup file.
  5. In the Welcome window, click Next.
  6. Click Install to begin the installation.

    The installation files are installed on your server.

    This process may take several minutes to complete.

  7. When prompted, click Finish.
  8. In the dialog box, click No to keep your current license.

  9. In the First Run Service Setting window, click Next to continue running the ipMonitor Service on the Local System account.

    To run the ipMonitor Service on a Local User account, click Change in the Advanced box, complete the fields, and then click Next.

    See Credentials Wizard in the ipMonitor Administrator Guide for details about local security policies that must be enabled for a Local User account.

  10. In the First Run HTTP Settings window, configure your IP address and port combinations for the SNMP Trap Listener.

    To use the existing IP address and port combinations, click Next.

    To add or modify the IP address and listening port, click Change, complete the fields and save your changes, and then click Next.

  11. (Optional) In the First Run Administrator Account window, configure additional users as ipMonitor administrators. Otherwise, click Next.

  12. Click Finish to complete the ipManager upgrade and launch the ipMonitor administrator interface.

    Your ipMonitor software is upgraded to the current release.

Verify the upgrade

Open the application and verify the version displayed in the footer of the web console. Try current and new features with your system to check performance and expected functionality. If you run into issues, check the troubleshooting tips.

If the Monitor Charts widget does not display in the dashboard, clear your cache and refresh the ipMonitor web interface.


If you run into issues after the upgrade, check our Success Center for troubleshooting. Search for ipMonitor, the version number, any error codes or messages displayed, and the general issue you found.

If an issue occurs that you cannot resolve, contact SolarWinds Support. Create a screen shot of the issue and any error codes you receive. Attach and add this information to your ticket.

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