Documentation forIpMonitor
Effective December 31, 2024, IpMonitor has reached its end of life and is no longer available or supported. If you liked IpMonitor, consider trying another SolarWinds product.

Restart Service

The Restart Service alert recovery action attempts to restart a service or list of services on the targeted Microsoft Windows workstation or server computer when a monitor encounters a problem. Use the Restart Service alert to remotely restart a Windows service or list of services with or without dependencies.

The action restarts the services you defined in the Recovery Parameters section when you configured the monitor. Using a credential you defined when you configured the monitor, the action can service several monitors because the recovery parameters are passed to the Recovery alert by the failing monitor.

You can define the workstation or server host name and the Windows services to restart in the monitor configuration settings under Recovery Parameters. If a specific user account and password is required to perform this action, ipMonitor uses the recovery credential you entered when you configured the monitor.

If a service includes assigned dependencies, they must be included in the list of services. Otherwise, the Recovery action will not complete successfully.

Apply the Restart Service recovery action to an alert

  1. Create an alert.
  2. In the Add Alert page under Actions, click Add Action and select Restart Service.
  3. Complete the remaining options and save the alert.