Documentation forIpMonitor
Effective December 31, 2024, IpMonitor has reached its end of life and is no longer available or supported. If you liked IpMonitor, consider trying another SolarWinds product.

Set up recurring internal maintenance

Recurring Internal Maintenance allows you to perform recurring maintenance actions, which include rolling log files and backing up the configuration settings. You can schedule Internal Maintenance tasks to occur on specific days of the week. If you need to encrypt the Credentials database for backup purposes, you can create a credential for this purpose.

When you choose to archive the rolled log files, the files are rolled daily at midnight. During the procedure, ipMonitor renames the file to include the current date and then creates a new, empty log file in its place.

Internal Maintenance also allows you to use ipMonitor tokens to designate file names. All log files are compressed in ZIP format and can be automatically rolled on a daily basis.

  1. Log in to ipMonitor as an administrator.
  2. Click Configuration > Scheduled Maintenance Tasks.
  3. In the Maintenance Schedule List, click Recurring Internal Maintenance.

  4. Archive the ipMonitor configuration.
    1. Under Archive / Backup, select the Archive ipMonitor Configuration checkbox.

    2. In the Backup File Pattern row, enter the path and file name of the ZIP file containing the archive configuration settings.
    3. Click Token List to place a token within the file name. When ipMonitor finds the token, it is replaced with dynamic content represented by the token.
    4. In the Encryption Credential row, click Select and create or choose a credential to use when encrypting the credential database.
  5. (Optional) Archive the rolled log files.
    1. Under Archive / Backup, select the Archive Rolled Log Files checkbox.

    2. In the Zip File Pattern row, enter the path and file name of the ZIP file containing the archived log files.
    3. Click Token List to place a token within the file name. When ipMonitor finds the token, it is replaced with dynamic content represented by the token.
    4. Click the Remove Log files by Age drop-down menu and select an option. Any logs that have not been written to in your selected length of time will be removed from the ipMonitor logs directory located at:

      C:\\Program Files (x86)\SolarWinds\ipMonitor\logs

  6. Select the day(s) of the week when you want to archive the ipMonitor configuration.

  7. (Optional) Select Roll Log Files to roll the log files each day at midnight. Click Add to roll additional log files to the ipMonitor logs directory located at C:\\Program Files (x86)\SolarWinds\ipMonitor\logs.

    When a log file is rolled, ipMonitor renames the file to include the current date and creates a new, empty log file in its place. The ipm.log and snmptrap.log files are rolled by default and cannot be removed.

  8. Click OK.

Create a standalone backup file

You can archive your ipMonitor configuration settings without creating a recurring internal maintenance schedule.

  1. Log in to ipMonitor as an administrator.
  2. Click Configuration > Scheduled Maintenance Tasks.

  3. In the toolbar, click Backup Now.

  4. If prompted, click Select and select an encryption credential.

    Without an encryption credential, the Credentials Database will not be archived.

  5. Click Backup.