Documentation forIpMonitor
Effective December 31, 2024, IpMonitor has reached its end of life and is no longer available or supported. If you liked IpMonitor, consider trying another SolarWinds product.


The Details view displays when you click Devices in the toolbar and then click Details in the My Network toolbar.

This view provides a tree view representation of your selected group or device. In this view, you can create groups, SmartGroups, and subnets.

The left pane lists the resources in your network grouped together by category.

When you click a category (for example, Default SmartGroups), ipMonitor displays all resources for this category in the right window pane.


You can assign monitors to multiple groups. For example, a PING monitor that traverses a network switch can be assigned as a dependency to several groups that depend on the switch availability.

A group inherits the most critical state of any monitor—including dependency monitors—assigned to it. For example, if the state of a single monitor in a group changes to Warn, the entire group state becomes Warn. If the monitor changes to Down, the entire group state is Down.

ipMonitor includes two default groups: All Managed Devices and Orphaned Objects

All Managed Devices group

The All Managed Devices group is a sub group that is the parent object and container for all ipMonitor devices. All new devices are automatically added to this group.

This group is required by ipMonitor. This group cannot be deleted, and ipMonitor cannot be configured without this group.

If your deployment includes more than 50 monitors, the All Managed Devices group is never assigned to an alert. It acts as the master list, and is only used to add members to your new groups. Any alerts are assigned to this subgroup.

If your deployment includes less than 50 monitors, the All Managed Devices group may be the only group you require. You can apply dependencies and alerts to the group to prevent any unnecessary actions and identify problems in a timely manner.

Orphaned Objects group

The Orphaned Objects group provides a temporary container for monitors and groups that are not assigned to valid parent objects. Monitor and groups can become orphans when you import them into ipMonitor with missing or invalid XML data. However, you can assign an orphan monitor or group to an existing device or group, respectively.

Assign an orphaned monitor to an existing device

  1. Select the orphaned monitor.
  2. Click Move.
  3. Select a device from the Destination Device list, and click Continue.

    The monitor is moved and assigned to the destination device.

Assign an orphaned group to an existing group

  1. Select the orphaned group.
  2. Click Move.
  3. Select a group from the Destination Group list, and click Continue.

    The group is moved and assigned to the destination group.