Documentation forDatabase Performance Analyzer

Notification policy for DPA alerts

When you create an alert in DPA, you can accept the default notification policy or apply a different policy to that alert. The notification policy determines when notifications about the alert are sent. The following sections describe each policy.

When an alert level changes, DPA sends a notification only if a recipient is selected for that level in the alert definition. For example, if the notification policy is Notify when level changes, you must specify a recipient for Normal if you want DPA to send a notification when the alert level returns to Normal. The examples in the following tables assume that recipients are specified for all alert levels.

Notify when level not visited since normal

A notification is sent if the alert status is not Normal and the alert has not been in this status since the last time the status was Normal. If the alert returns the same status for multiple polling periods without returning to Normal, you are notified only once for each status. For example:

Execution Interval Alert Level Notification Sent?
1 Normal No
2 Medium Yes
3 High Yes
4 High No (this alert level was returned previously)
5 Medium No (this alert level was returned previously)
6 Low Yes
7 Normal No
8 Low Yes

This is DPA's default notification policy. A DPA administrator can change the default policy for your DPA deployment by setting the advanced option ALERT_NOTIFICATION_TRIGGER.

Notify when level changes

A notification is sent if the alert status has changed since the previous execution interval, even if the change is that it returned to Normal. You are notified each time the level changes, but only once for each change. For example:

Execution Interval Alert Level Notification Sent?
1 Normal No (the alert was not triggered during the previous execution interval)
2 Medium Yes
3 High Yes
4 High No (the alert status has not changed)
5 Medium Yes
6 Low Yes
7 Normal Yes
8 Low Yes

Notify when level is not normal

A notification is sent if the alert status is not Normal, regardless of the alert's previous status. For example:

Execution Interval Alert Level Notification Sent?
1 Normal No
2 Medium Yes
3 High Yes
4 High Yes
5 Medium Yes
6 Low Yes
7 Normal No
8 Low Yes