Documentation forDatabase Mapper
Effective February 28, 2024, Database Mapper has reached its end of life and is no longer available or supported. If you liked Database Mapper, consider trying another SolarWinds product.

Database Mapper Documentation

EOL: An end of life announcement has been made for Database Mapper on February 28, 2023. See the Solarwinds End of Life Policy for more information.

Database Mapper Documentation Page

Database Mapper Documentation page

The Documentation page displays the most recent documentation for your selected solution by default. 

Note:  Select the Database Mapper Configure Snapshot button Configure Snapshot button for the desired solution on the Solutions dashboard to generate new documentation for that solution.

Opening the Documentation Page

Open documentation for your solution through one of the following methods:

Select Database Mapper View Documentation button on the Solutions dashboard for the desired solution.
Database Mapper Solutions Dashboard View Documentation

Select the Documentation tab, then select the desired solution from the drop-down list.
Database Mapper Documentation tab select Solution

Displaying Documentation

On the Documentation page in Database Mapper, you have complete control over your uploaded data. Display the data you want to see by completing one of the following steps:

Select to expand the nodes, then select the desired link from the documentation tree on the left of the page. 
Database Mapper Web Portal Documentation select link from tree

Select a link in the documentation on the right to drill down into desired sections.

Changing Views

View your documentation at a specified point in time by completing the following steps:

1. Select the view button (Current Version) to expand the documentation view options. Database Mapper Web Portal Change documetation view

Note:  The view button displays as Current Version, or a specified date and time depending on the selected view.

2. Select the Point in time view, then enter the desired time.
Database Mapper Documentation Point In Time

3. Select OK to update the documentation. Database Mapper Web Portal View documentation window Change Documentation View


Success: You are now viewing your historical documentation!
Database Mapper Web Portal Documentation Historical view

Note:  Return to the current view of your documentation at any time by selecting the view button, then selecting CurrentDatabase Mapper Web Portal Documentation View Current

Searching for Data

Note:  Starting with Version 2021.8, any search terms that you search for will include results for your term in the Documentation and in the Data Dictionary values. You can further condense your search by selecting Documentation Only, Data Dictionary Only, or a Data Dictionary Category from the dropdown menu. Database Mapper Documentation Search Filter

Search for specific metadata within your environment by using the Documentation page search bar. 

Select the desired search parameters from the drop-down menu. Enter a specific search term into the search bar, then select Search to display your results. Database Mapper Web Portal Documentation Search bar

Select a link from the Search results to display the data related to the search.

Database Mapper Web Portal Documentation Search results link


Select Back to Contents from the search results window to return to the documentation tree view.

Database Mapper Documentation Search Results select Back To Contents

Select Back to Last Search Results to return to the search results on the left side view.Database Mapper Documentation Back to Last Search Results

Searching Data Dictionary Categories

Select the desired Data Dictionary Category from the drop-down menu. Enter the Data Dictionary value into the search bar, then select Search to display your results. 

Database Mapper Documentation Search for Data Dictionary Value

Select a link from the Search results to display the data related to the search.

Database Mapper Documentation Search Results

Comparing Documentation

Use the Database Mapper Documentation page to compare your documentation against previous snapshot versions, and see the changes made to your solution and solutions items over time. 

Documentation button Description
Database Mapper Documentation Version History button Opens the Version History for the selected object. Select two versions different versions, and then select compare to view any differences between the versions.
Database Mapper Documentation Compare to Previous button Opens the Side By Side view for the selected object. The Side By Side view displays the last collected snapshot of the object, and the Current version of the object in an easy to view comparison screen. Select different versions on the Version History tab.

If there have been changes made to your Solution, you can view these changes by completing the following steps:

1. Open the Database Mapper Documentation page, then select a Solution.
Database Mapper Documentation page select Solution

2. Navigate to the desired object through the solution explorer, or search for an object.Database Mapper Documentation page select Object

3. Select Version History to open the Version History page. Select the object versions you want to compare, then select Compare to display the Side by Side View comparison.
Database Mapper Documentation Version History select Compare

Note:  There needs to be captured differences in the documentation to use the Documentation Version History feature. Database Mapper displays the following prompt if there are no documented differences:

Database Mapper Documentation Version History No previous versions message

Note:  In this example, the difference between the object versions can be seen in the available databases. Database Mapper Documentation Side by Side View

4. Select the Diff View tab to display the object with highlighted changes.Database Mapper Documentation Diff View

Note:  Text in red has been removed from the object , and text in green has been added to the object.

Comparing Solutions

Note:  To use the Comparison feature, the solution snapshots need to be generated by a remote agent from Version 2022.2 or later.

You can compare two different solutions by selecting the Comparison button. This can be useful for comparing similar solutions that may be used in different environments. For example, you might have two SQL Server solutions; one for your development environment, and the second for your production environment. When comparing two solutions, you can recognize similarities and discover differences with the following icons:

Icon Description
Database Mapper Solution Comparison Equal Icon The solution items are equal in both solutions.
Database Mapper Solution Comparison Not Equal Icon The solution items are not equal in both solutions.
Database Mapper Solution Comparison Left Only Icon The solution item is only present in the left solution.
Database Mapper Solution Comparison Right Only Icon The solution item is only present in the right solution.

To compare two applicable solutions, complete the following steps:

1. Select the Comparison button to open the Document Comparison view.Database Mapper Documentation Select Comparison

2. Select a solution to compare for the left comparison, then select a solution to compare for the right comparison.
Database Mapper Solution Comparison select Left Side

3. Select Change Left Start Point, specify a left starting point, then select update.
Database Mapper Solution Comparison Change Left Start Point

4. Select Change right Start Point, specify a right starting point, then select update.
Database Mapper Solution Comparison Change Right Start Point

5. Compare the two presented solutions.  Database Mapper Solution Comparison

Important:  Selecting meta data from the Comparison displays the documentation from both Solutions at the bottom of the screen. The Documentation displays in Side By Side View by default. 

Select Side by SideView to display the selected documentation in the Diff View.

Select Diff View to display the selected documentation in Side By Side View.

You can filter your document comparison further with the following options:

Button Description
Database Mapper Solution Comparison Equal button Remove Equal items from the comparison.
Database Mapper Solution Comparison Not Equal button Remove Not Equal items from the comparison.
Database Mapper Solution Comparison Left Only button Remove Left Only items from the comparison.
Database Mapper Solution Comparison Right Only button Remove Right Only items from the comparison.

Displaying Lineage

This feature is not available with Essentials or Standard licensing. If you'd like to use this feature, please visit our product pricing page to learn more.

Use the Jump to Lineage button to display the data lineage for your selected documentation object.  

Note:  If there is no Lineage for your selected Documentation, Database Mapper navigates to the closest parent object.

Documentation button Description
Database Mapper Documentation Jump To Lineage button Opens the Lineage page focused on the selected documentation object.

Navigate to your desired documentation object, and then select Jump to Lineage to display the lineage for that object.

Database Mapper Documentation Jump To Lineage

Exporting Documentation

You can export the current version, or a point in time version of your documentation for any selected Solution. Save the exported documentation for your records, or distribute the exported documentation across your team and business leaders. Begin exporting your documentation by completing the following steps:

1. Select Solutions to open the Database Mapper Solutions Dashboard.Database Mapper Solutions Dashboard

2. Select the Export Documentation button and the select Export Documentation to open the Documentation Export window. 
Database Mapper Solutions Dashboard select Export Documentation

3. Select the version of the documentation that you want to export. Select Current Version, and then select Point in Time to select a previous documentation version. Select a date and time from the calendar, and then select Ok to save your selection. 
Database Mapper Documentation Export window select Date

Note:  The current version of the documentation is selected by default.

4. Select Request Export to begin exporting the documentation. 
Database Mapper Documentation Export window select Request Export

Success: You have requested to export your documentation! View the progress of your export on the Task History page.
Database Mapper Documentation Export window select Task History

Downloading Exported Documentation

After your Documentation Export request has completed, you can download your documentation. Download your documentation by completing the following steps:

1. Select Solutions to open the Solutions Dashboard.

Database Mapper Solutions Dashboard

2. Select the Export Documentation button, then select View Exports for the desired solution to open the Documentation Exports page.
Database Mapper Solutions Dashboard select View Exports

3. Select the download button for the desired documentation version, then select save to save the documentation to your machine.
Database Mapper Documentation Exports page select Save

Additional Information: See the Documentation Exports section of the Solutions Dashboard article to learn more about exports.