Database Mapper Excel Spreadsheet
Excel Spreadsheet
Solution Item Icon | Solution Item Description |
SolarWinds Database Mapper allows you to quickly develop a Lineage overview of your Excel Workbooks (*.xlsx) that contain SQL Server and Analysis Services data sources. |
Adding Excel Spreadsheet
Additional Information: You need to add a Database Mapper solution before adding an Excel Spreadsheet solution item. For more information about adding a solution, see the Configuring Solutions and Database Mapper Solutions articles.
Add an Excel Spreadsheet solution item to your Database Mapper solution by completing the following steps:
1. Select Add to add a new solution, or select Open to openan existing solution in the Database Mapper Configuration tool.
2. Select Add to open the Add Solution item window.
3. Enter an item name, then select Excel Spreadsheet from the Source type drop-down list.
4. Select File to document an Excel Workbook on the file system, or select Folder to recursively document all Excel Workbook items within the selected folder.
Note: Selecting the ellipsis launches the file explorer, allowing you to navigate to the desired file or file folder.
5. Select OK to add the Excel Spreadsheet Solution item to your Database Mapper solution.
Additional Information: You need to take a snapshot of your solution and Excel Spreadsheet solution item before viewing any documentation or lineage. For more information about taking a snapshot, see the Generating Documentation and Scheduling a Snapshot articles.
After adding a solution with your Excel Spreadsheet solution item, and taking a snapshot, you are ready to view your documentation.
Additional Information: For more information about the Documentation tab in Database Mapper, see the Documentation article.
After adding a solution with your Excel Spreadsheet solution item, and taking a snapshot, you are ready to view your solution's lineage within the environment.
Additional Information: For more information about the Lineage tab in Database Mapper, see the Lineage article.