Documentation forDameware Remote & Mini Remote Control

Install Dameware Remote Support or Mini Remote Control from the command line

You can use command line options to install Dameware Remote Support or Dameware Mini Remote Control. A command line installation is useful when you do not have administrator permissions to the target computer, and want to install the application silently.

  • You must run the commands with Administrator permissions
  • Use %WINDIR%\System32 instead of relative paths
  • You cannot install through a proxy server that also requires authentication

To install Dameware Remote Support or Dameware Mini Remote Control using the MSI installer:

Use the following command at the command line or in an installer script. Replace the variables in this example according to the variables in the Arguments section below.

msiexec /i fileName.msi /qn APPDIR="C:\Program Files\Dameware programName\" reboot=reallysuppress SILENT=yes INSTALLSTANDALONE=0 CENTRALSERVERHOSTNAME=centralServerHostName

See the following KB article for instructions to Extract the Dameware MSI installers from their EXE files.

To install Dameware Remote Support or Dameware Mini Remote Control using the EXE installer:

Use the following command at the command line or in an installer script. Replace the variables in this example according to the values in the Arguments section.

fileName.exe /args "/qn APPDIR=\"C:\Program Files\Dameware programName\" reboot=reallysuppress SILENT=yes INSTALLSTANDALONE=0 CENTRALSERVERHOSTNAME=centralServerHostName"


The following is a list of command line arguments.

  • /args "argumentsHere" (EXE only) instructs the EXE installer to pass the arguments inside the quotation marks along to the MSI installer.
  • APPDIR="C:\Program Files\Dameware programName\" specifies the installation directory. Enter Remote Support or Mini Remote Control in place of programName to use the default installation directory.
  • SILENT=yes instructs the installer to install the program silently.
  • SA_KEY=licenseKey (licensed version only) contains the license key for licensed installations. Enter a valid license key in place of licenseKey.
  • SA_EMAIL=emailAddress (licensed version only) contains the administrator's email address for licensed installations. Enter a valid email address in place of emailAddress.
  • SA_FIRST_NAME=firstName (licensed version - optional) contains the administrator's first name. Enter the first name in place of firstName.
  • SA_LAST_NAME=lastName (licensed version - optional) contains the administrator's last name. Enter the last name in place of lastName.
  • SA_PHONE_NUMBER=phoneNumber (licensed version - optional) contains the administrator's phone number. Enter a valid phone number in place of phoneNumber.
  • SA_PROXY_ADDRESS=proxyAddress (licensed version - optional) contains the address of the proxy server the program should use to connect to the SolarWinds licensing server. If applicable, enter the proxy server's IP address or hostname in place of proxyAddress.
  • SA_PROXY_PORT=proxyPort (licensed version - optional) contains the port the program should use to connect to the proxy server. If applicable, enter the proxy port number in place of proxyPort.
  • INSTALLSTANDALONE=1 installs the stand-alone version of Dameware. Use 0 to install the centralized version.
  • CENTRALSERVERHOSTNAME=centralServerHostName contains the Dameware Central Server's host name.
  • CENTRALSERVERPORT=portNumber contains the port number to the Dameware Central Server. By default, this is 6133.
  • CSUSER=centralServerUser contains the login name of a Central Server user.
  • CSPASSWORD=centralServerUserPassword contains the password of the Central Server user.
  • /L*V C:\Install.log ensures that an Install.log file is created during installation.

Arguments for the Dameware 12.2.2 upgrade and backup are available in the topic Back up Dameware Mini Remote Control settings and hosts during upgrade to version 12.2.2.

Additional resources

For more arguments and additional information about CLI installs, see the KB article Install Dameware Remote Support (DRS), Mini Remote Control Client (MRC) and the Agent from the command line (silent install).