Documentation forAccess Rights Manager

Report on direct permissions

Background / Value

Direct access rights should be avoided at all costs and be replaced by group access rights. Firstly, direct access rights are inefficient because every user has to be managed independently. Secondly, each directory needs to be examined individually to ensure the removal of all direct permissions. Access Rights Manager shows you all direct permissions on your file server(s) in one simple report.


Related features

Remove direct permissions (rich client)

Remove direct permissions in bulk (web client)


Step-by-step process

  1. Select "Start".
  2. Click on "All users with direct access".


A016-02 EN Direktberechtigungen identifizieren

  1. Enter a title for the report and add a comment.
  2. Define the range of the report.
  3. Define the desired report settings.
  4. Start the report.


Open the report in your spreadsheet application. Access Rights Manager lists all directories with direct access rights.