Documentation forAccess Rights Manager

Prepare Exchange resources

Access Rights Manager reads information from Exchange via a remote PowerShell connection.


Preparations for Exchange Online

For Exchange Online, we strongly recommend using Modern Authentication. To set up, follow all the steps in the appendix of the following Microsoft "App-only authentication for unattended scripts" guide (© 2022 Microsoft,, obtained on October 12, 2022). With the setup you get an application ID and a thumbprint, which you then use as user name and password during the configuration in ARM.

In step 3 of the instructions, you create a certificate and store it in the personal store location (-CertStoreLocation "cert:\CurrentUser\My"). This way, the certificate cannot be used in the context of another user. In the following example script, the certificate is stored in personal (cert:\LocalMachine\My) and in root (cert:\LocalMachine\Root). In the first command, the DNS name must be adjusted. The domain of the collector where the scan is executed should be entered here. Alternatively, you can also enter a list of computer names (FQDN).

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# create certificate under personal
$mycert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName "domain1.local", "domain2.local" -CertStoreLocation "cert:\LocalMachine\My" -NotAfter (Get-Date).AddYears(100) -KeySpec KeyExchange
# export certificate to .cer file to upload to azure
$mycert | Export-Certificate -FilePath c:\temp\ExoCert.cer
# Export certificate to .pfx file to install the certificate on other machines
$mycert | Export-PfxCertificate -FilePath c:\temp\ExoCert.pfx -Password (Get-Credential).password
# install certificate for root
Import-Certificate -FilePath c:\temp\ExoCert.cer -CertStoreLocation cert:\LocalMachine\Root

The script creates two files under C:\Temp. ExoCert.cer is necessary for uploading to Azure. ExoCert.pfx can be used to install the certificate on other computers as well.

You can install the certificate by double-clicking the pfx file. You will be asked if you want to install it for the user or computer and in which store. To install the certificate in root and under personal, perform the operation twice.


ARM access to Exchange Online via Modern Authentication/App Registration allows to enable multi-factor authentication for Azure accounts. Please note that if necessary, Modern Authentication should also be set up for ARM access to SharePoint Online to avoid any restrictions on access to SharePoint Online.

The registered application is granted full access to Exchange Online. It is not possible to set up read-only access with Modern Authentication.

ARM version 2022.4 eliminates the need to set up impersonation for Exchange Online using Exchange Web Services (EWS).
Please note that Microsoft has already announced the discontinuation of the "Basic" authentication method and the EWS for Exchange Online.
Please note that TLS 1.2 is required to access Exchange Online. For more information, see the Microsoft article "Enable support for TLS 1.2 in your environment for Azure AD TLS 1.1 and 1.0 deprecation" (© 2022 Microsoft,, obtained on December 13, 2022).


Not recommended: Alternatively, you can still use the username/password combination for Exchange Online:

  • Create a user with email address as a service account or select an existing (service) account with email address.

  • Add the account to the View-Only Organization Management group for read-only access or to Organization Management for modify access.

  • If the account is newly created, you must log in to the Office365 environment once with this account before you can use it.

For use as a service account for ARM, it is not necessary to assign a license to the account.


Preparations for Exchange on-premise

An Exchange scan can be performed by any collector. The connection is established using a client access server (CAS) or a database availability group (DAG).


Prepare the PowerShell website

The Exchange Client Access Server (CAS) hosts a site within the IIS, that allows users to access the Exchange Server. It is called "Default Web Site" (2010) or "Exchange Back End" (2013 and higher) and includes the sub-site "PowerShell". This must be configured to allow Access Rights Manager access to Exchange.

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Start the IIS Manager on the CAS.


The PSLanguageMode FullLanguage in no longer needed.

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Navigate to "Powershell". In Exchange 2010 this can be found under "Default Web Site". In Exchange 2013 it is found under "Exchange Back End". Double-click "Application Settings".


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  1. Select "PS LanguageMode"
  2. Click "Edit"
  3. Enter the value "FullLanguage".

The PSLanguageMode FullLanguage is no longer needed.

Please note that cumulative Exchange updates may reset this setting!


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Activate the desired authentication method.

You must later select the same authentication method in the Exchange configuration that you activate here.

For additional information see the article IIS for Beginners Part 4: Authentication and Authorization with the IIS (© 2020 Microsoft,, obtained on January 29, 2020).


Alternatively you can activate the authentication with PowerShell.

For example: Activate Windows-authentication (Kerberos)

Get-PowerShellVirtualDirectory | Set-PowerShellVirtualDirectory -WindowsAuthentication $true


You must restart the IIS in order to apply any changes.


For example in the command prompt or PowerShell:



Set up required permissions

The service account that is used to scan Exchange requires the following access rights:

  1. Administrator privileges on the collector server
  2. Membership in the Exchange security group "View-Only Organization Management"
  3. Impersonation rights to scan deputy rules. See the section: Exchange Web Service - impersonation
  4. Its own mailbox to scan public folders


The service account that you want to use to modify Exchange requires additional different rights:

  1. Membership in the Exchange security group "Organization Management"

Deny rights applied to mailbox content may hinder successful scans.

MFA (multi-factor authentication) is not supported for scanning or modifying Exchange on-premise.


Exchange Web Services - Impersonation

PowerShell allows you to load administrative information from Exchange, such as the structure and permissions of objects, e.g. mailboxes and public folders. Substitution rules can only be read via the Exchange Web Service.

Access to the Exchange Web Service always happen in context with the mailbox user. This requires that the scan account (service account) has the right to impersonate.

Impersonation only works with active Active Directory accounts.


Examples for the configuration of impersonations via PowerShell can be found here:


Alternatively to the process described by Microsoft you can use the GUI of the Exchange Admin Center:

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  1. Log in to the Exchange admin center.

  2. Select Admin roles.

  3. Click Add role group.


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  1. Give the new role an appropriate name and description. Select the new role.

  2. Click Assigned.

  3. Assign the account to be used for Exchange scanning to the role.


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  1. Click Permissions.

  2. Enable the ApplicationImpersonation permission for the new role.


Test the connection to Exchange PowerShell

Use the following process to test the connection to PowerShell:

  1. Start a power shell console with the credentials that are also used for the remote session. (CTRL+SHIFT+right-click on the PowerShell-Icon -> "Run as different user")
  2. Create a credential object:
    $cred = get-credential
  1. Create a SessionOption object (turn off all checks for the test):
    $so = New-PSSessionOption -SkipCACheck -SkipCNCheck -SkipRevocationCheck
  1. Create a session. Adjust the URI, Authentication (authentication mechanism) and encryption http(s):
    $session = New-PSSession -configurationname Microsoft.Exchange -connectionURI https://srv-ex01/PowerShell/ -Credential $cred -SessionOption $so -Authentication Default
  1. Enter the session. You can execute cmdlets (which ones, depends on their rights):
    Import-PSSession $session