Documentation forWeb Help Desk

Configure the ticket options

You can configure your ticket contents, generation, and ticket access options on the Options page located at Setup > Tickets > Options.

Web Help Desk categorizes all ticket options into three areas:

  • General Options
  • Client Options
  • Tech Options

To configure your ticket options:

  1. Log in to Web Help Desk as an administrator.
  2. In the toolbar, click Setup > Tickets > Options.
  3. On the Tickets Options page, review and update settings in the General Options section.

    Option Description
    Use Subject Field Enables clients and techs to view the Subject field about the Request Detail field.
    Default Priority Selects the default priority type assignment for new tickets.
    Lookup Clients By Selects the attribute used for looking up clients when assigning them to tasks and parts.
    Attachments Enabled

    Enables techs and clients to attach files to tickets using the WHD interface or by attaching files to email.

    Deselect the checkbox to prevent attachments sent by email to be saved with the ticket. Their presence will be indicated in the ticket report.

    Room Required Prevents WHD from accepting tickets without an assigned room.
    Room Field Style

    Enables room selection using a pop-up menu or entering the room name in a text field.

    If you defined all available rooms in your organization, select Pop-up Menu to ensure you can select a valid room.

    You can define all rooms at Setup > Locations & Departments > Locations & Rooms > [Location] > Rooms Editor.

    Enter Work Time As Indicates whether techs can select rooms using a popup menu or by entering the room in a text field.
    Allow Non-User CC Updates Allows ticket updates by email from people who are not WHD users but are Cc or Bcc recipients in the ticket update email.
  4. Review and update settings in the Client Options section, including how clients can create tickets and who can update the priority.

    Option Description
    Client Required

    Requires a ticket to be assigned to a client before it is saved.

    Clients Can Create Tickets Using

    Enables clients to create tickets using the WHD interface or email.

    If both options are disabled, clients can only view or update existing tickets. All new tickets must be created by a tech.

    Client Priority Option

    Enables all clients and client admins (both location and department) to set up their ticket priority level.

    If you select None, new tickets are assigned the Default Priority setting.

    Clients can Cc: email Enables clients to carbon copy email tickets to additional email addresses.
    Allow User Lookup

    Auto completes the Cc: field as you type with suggested users from the Web Help Desk database. The Clients can Cc: email checkbox must also be selected.

    This option exposes email addresses to clients. Leave this option disabled if client email addresses should be kept secret. Tech email addresses will be hidden according to the Show Tech email Addresses to Clients setting.

    Show Tech email Addresses to Clients Enables tech email addresses to display in the client interface and in email sent by Web Help Desk to clients.
    Show Scheduled Date to Clients

    Enables clients to view the time scheduled for ticket work to be completed through email or the Web Help Desk interface.

    Show Estimated Due Date to Clients

    Enables clients to view the estimated ticket due date and time in email or the Web Help Desk interface.

    Lock Ticket to Client Location

    Assigns new tickets to the client and the corresponding location where the ticket was created.

    When selected, the client cannot override this setting by selecting a different location.

    Update Ticket Location / Room / Department when Client Changes Ensures that the location, room, and department is updated to match the values assigned to the new client (if any) when the assigned client changes for any reason. The priority type is updated to match the new location.
    Include Room Assets in Client Asset List

    Presents the client with a list of all assets in their room. Deselect this option to allow the client to view only assets assigned to them.

    Ticket Must Use Assigned Asset

    Restricts clients to choose only their assigned assets when creating a ticket.

    Deselect this option to enable clients to enter model information for an asset that is not on their assigned list.

    Asset Number Lookup for Client

    Enables a client to search for an asset to associate with a ticket by entering the asset number in a text field when they submit the ticket.

    This option is based on whether clients can choose an asset based on the Model Required setting of the request type selected for a ticket.

    Note Collapsing Threshold for Clients

    Indicates the number of ticket notes displayed to a client before a "More..." link is added at the bottom of the Notes field.

    In the Web Help Desk interface, the "More..." link exposes any hidden notes.

    In an email, the link returns the client to the web interface to view the hidden notes.

    Auto-Reply to Client

    Indicates the actions taken by a client to invoke an automatic email confirmation.

    This applies to the client (assigned client or Cc client) currently updating the ticket.

    Enable Cancellation By Client Indicates under which conditions a Cancel option is available to the client in the Web Help Desk interface and email ticket display.
  5. Review and update settings in the Tech Options section.

    Option Description
    Default Tech Note Visibility

    Enables tech notes to be visible or hidden to clients by default.

    You can override this setting for each tech note.

    Print View Note Visibility Enables which note types are displayed in the Ticket Detail Print View and Tickets PDF download.
    Note and History Sorting Selects the ticket sorting order in the Ticket Details tab.
    Default Setting for email Recipients (No Tech Group)

    Selects the default setting for the email Recipients attribute of new tickets, which is visible in the Ticket Details editor.

    The email Recipients setting determines which users associated with a ticket receive an email when action is made by a Tech.

    See this KB article for additional details on configuring this option.

    Default Ticket Editor Button

    Enables the Save or Save & Email button to display as default in the Ticket Details tab.

    email Delete Confirmation

    Sends an email to the assign tech or tech group to confirm a ticket deletion.

    This setting overrides the Tech checkbox in the ticket.

    Limit Assigned Tech to Current Level

    Limits the available techs in the Assigned Tech drop-down menu on the Ticket Details tab to techs that are in the current ticket tech group level.

    When an attempt is made to edit a Ticket already being edited in another session

    Selects the action taken when a ticket is edited by more than one tech at the same time in separate sessions.

    Select Allow to allow multiple users to edit a ticket at the same time without any warning.

    Select Warn to display an alert message when you edit a ticket that is being edited.

    Select Block to allow only one user to edit a ticket at a time.

    Enable Ticket email Overrides Enables three new settings in the Recipients section of the ticket editor that provide options for overriding email settings elsewhere in WHD.
    Automatically Delete Obsolete Custom Fields

    When selected, custom fields rendered obsolete (for example, by changing the request type of a ticket to one that doesn't support those custom fields) are removed from the ticket, regardless of whether they have a value.

    Otherwise, the empty obsolete fields are automatically removed. Deleted custom fields that are not empty are noted in the Ticket History.

  6. Click Save.