Documentation forPatch Manager

Automation Server settings

You can access the Automation Server settings in the Patch Manager Administrator Console. These settings allow you to configure the Automation Server hosted on a Patch Manager server.

To access the Automation Server settings:

  1. Log in to the Patch Manager Administrator Console as an administrator.
  2. In the navigation pane, expand Patch Manager System Configuration and select Patch Manager Servers.
  3. In the center pane, select the Automation Server and then select the Automation Server Settings tab.

The following sections describe the settings for each category.

Event Logging

The Event Logging settings control how the Automation Server logs incidents to the Windows Event Log on the Patch Manager server. Enable or disable the following settings to define what the Automation role server logs:

  • Automation Server Security Audit Failure Event Logging Enabled
  • Automation Server Security Audit Success Event Logging Enabled
  • Automation Server Error Event Logging Enabled
  • Automation Server Information Event Logging Enabled
  • Automation Server Warning Event Logging Enabled

The Event Logging settings on the Automation Server Settings tab overwrite the corresponding settings on both the Application Server Settings and Management Server Settings tabs.


The General settings define the general options for the Application Server.

Setting Description
Automation Server Enabled

Enables the Automation Server on a Patch Manager server.


The Logging settings define how Patch Manager generates detailed debug logging. By default, logging is turned on.

SolarWinds recommends enabling this level of logging when engaging in advanced troubleshooting and working with SolarWinds Technical Support.

Setting Description

Enables debug logging.

Patch Manager writes these logs to the following folder:


Logging impacts server performance and can consume significant disk space if you leave it enabled for an extended period of time.

Logging Level

Defines the logging level when logging is enabled.

Select one of the following levels:

  • 1 (Normal logging): Enables logging for any program code object that is configured to provide normal logging.
  • 2 (Verbose logging only): Enables logging for any program code object that is configured to provide verbose logging.
  • 3 (Normal and verbose logging): Enables both normal and verbose logging for all applicable program code objects.
Logging Output

Defines the output type when logging is enabled.

Select one of the following output types:

  • 1 (Output file): Writes debug logs to the logging folder with a log.txt extension.
  • 2 (Debug stream): Writes debug logs to a debug stream. Use this option when using a debugger, such as the Microsoft DebugView utility.
  • 3 (Hybrid output): Writes debug logs to both an output file and debug stream.

Worker Process Settings

The Worker Process Settings define how Patch Manager servers in the Automation Server role execute their worker processes. Worker processes manage tasks assigned to an Automation Server. When required, they execute on demand.

The following settings define when to queue worker processes if Patch Manager requests several tasks at the same time.

Setting Description
Maximum Worker Processes

Defines the maximum number of worker processes the Automation Server can run at once.

Select a value from 1 to 8.

Maximum Thread Pool Size per Worker Process

Defines the maximum number of threads each worker process can execute at once.

Select a value from 2 to 128.

Enable Worker Process Memory Usage Quota Defines a memory usage quota for the worker processes.
Shutdown Worker Process after being idle for (in minutes)

Defines the idle-out time for the worker processes.

Specify the number of minutes Patch Manager should wait before shutting down an idle worker process.

Select a value from 1 to 60.

Worker Process Memory Usage Quota

Defines the memory usage limit (or quota) for the worker processes.

Specify the number of megabytes (MB) you want to allocate to the worker processes.

Select a value from 1 to 500.

Maximum retry count for Worker Process Job

Defines the maximum number of times a worker process will retry a failed job.

Select a value from 1 to 10.

Worker Process startup time limit
(in seconds)

Defines the maximum start-up time for the worker processes.

Specify the number of seconds Patch Manager should wait before terminating a worker process that does not start immediately.

Select a value from 10 to 120.