Documentation forAppOptics

Troubleshooting Linux

If you run into any issue installing the SolarWinds Snap Agent or getting metrics reported, please check the troubleshooting techniques below.

Restart the agent

The agent supports standard service control commands including status, start, stop and restart. For example, you can restart the agent by running:

sudo service swisnapd restart

View the agent log

The agent log file is located at /var/log/SolarWinds/Snap/swisnapd.log. By default only messages at or above the warning level are reported. To increase logging verbosity:

  • Set the log level to debug in the agent config file

  • Restart the agent

  • Check for new messages in the log file, for example:

    tail -f /var/log/SolarWinds/Snap/swisnapd.log

Check the loaded plugins

The SolarWinds Snap Agent includes the swisnap command line tool to interact with the snap daemon on which our agent is based. Out of the box, our agent will automatically load two plugins that enable collecting system metrics (aosystem) and publishing to AppOptics (publisher-appoptics). To check that they are loaded, you can run swisnap plugin list and confirm they are listed as loaded under the STATUS column:

swisnap plugin list
NAME                    TYPE         API         VERSION     RUNTIME    SIGNED     STATUS      LOADED TIME
publisher-appoptics     publisher    PluginsV1    48.0.0                false      loaded      Mon, 18 May 2020 17:44:47 UTC
aosystem                collector    PluginsV2    58.0.0     local      false      running     Mon, 18 May 2020 17:44:48 UTC
processes               collector    PluginsV2    11.0.0     local      false      running     Mon, 18 May 2020 17:44:48 UTC
publisher-appoptics     publisher    PluginsV2    48.0.0     local      false      running     Mon, 18 May 2020 17:44:48 UTC
publisher-processes     publisher    PluginsV2    48.0.0     local      false      running     Mon, 18 May 2020 17:44:48 UTC

Check the state of tasks

Similar to checking loaded plugins, you can use the swisnap command line tool to check the state of tasks, which define the metrics collection and publishing jobs run by the agent. Out of the box, our agent will automatically define a task to report system metrics continuously every minute.

  • Use swisnap task list to get a list:

    swisnap task list
    |            TASK ID / PLUGIN            |   TYPE    | LAST ACTION |   DURATION   | PROCESSED | STATUS | LAST ERROR |
    | 1a037d34-00-task-aosystem.yaml         |           |             |              |           |        |            |
    |   1a037d34-ff0b-423c-a70f-dd2d13e286a2 |           |             |              |           |        |            |
    |     aosystem                           | collector | load        | 0s           |         0 |        | N/A        |
    |     publisher-appoptics                | publisher | load        | 0s           |         0 |        | N/A        |
    | bf0d3744-00-task-processes.yaml        |           |             |              |           |        |            |
    |   bf0d3744-fe49-457c-b7ae-b7283319cc39 |           |             |              |           |        |            |
    |     processes                          | collector | collect     | 3.005011279s |        28 | +      | N/A        |
    |     publisher-processes                | publisher | publish     | 1.453608565s |        28 | +      | N/A        |
    | c61f29c7-00-task-aosystem-warmup.yaml  |           |             |              |           |        |            |
    |   c61f29c7-b096-4033-8f7e-26f78effd171 |           |             |              |           |        |            |
    |     aosystem                           | collector | collect     | 1.687354ms   |         1 | ++++++ | N/A        |
    |     publisher-appoptics                | publisher | publish     | 438.179707ms |         1 | ++++++ | N/A        |
  • The above output shows a running task. To further confirm that it is the one reporting system metrics, you can either use the swisnap task details <task id> command to print to console the task details, or use the swisnap task watch <task id> command which logs to console the metrics being gathered at each task interval. An example of the watch command:

    swisnap task watch 53c0afb1-1e47-471f-b1c0-af69207842eb
    [2020-05-18T17:47:51.667573043Z] /processes/snap-plugin-publisher-appoptics/cpu = 0
    [2020-05-18T17:47:51.667581169Z] /processes/snap-plugin-publisher-appoptics/memory = 1.0773205757141113
    [2020-05-18T17:47:51.66758757Z] /processes/snap-plugin-publisher-appoptics/count = 1
    (ctl-c to quit)

Run the plugin directly

If you're experiencing issues with a specific integration and the agent logs are not providing much help, you can also run the binary for the plugin independently of the swisnapd service to attempt a collection. This could reveal errors or permission issues that are being obscured.

Plugins compatible with V1 Plugin API

To run plugin directly, execute following command:

sudo -u solarwinds /opt/SolarWinds/Snap/bin/<plugin_binary> --config '<config to use in JSON format>'

For example, the following reveals a config issue with the consul plugin. The service is running on port 8500 on the host, but the config is looking at port 80.

sudo -u solarwinds /opt/SolarWinds/Snap/bin/snap-plugin-collector-bridge-consul --config '{"address": "localhost:80"}'

Config Policy:
NAMESPACE          KEY                     TYPE      REQUIRED      DEFAULT    MINIMUM    MAXIMUM
bridge.consul      datacentre              string    false
bridge.consul      ssl_key                 string    false
bridge.consul      token                   string    false
bridge.consul      password                string    false
bridge.consul      address                 string    false
bridge.consul      username                string    false
bridge.consul      ssl_ca                  string    false
bridge.consul      scheme                  string    false
bridge.consul      ssl_cert                string    false
bridge.consul      insecure_skip_verify    bool      false         false

printConfigPolicy took 3.238904ms

2017/12/13 13:05:49 Bridge.init: configured telegraf input consul
Metric catalog will be updated to include:
    Namespace: /consul/*/all

printMetricTypes took 446.017µs

2017/12/13 13:05:49 Error gathering /consul/*/all: Get http://localhost/v1/health/state/any: dial tcp      getsockopt: connection refused
Metrics that can be collected right now are:


Fixing the config resolves the issue, and shows a successful collection.

sudo -u solarwinds /opt/SolarWinds/Snap/bin/snap-plugin-collector-bridge-consul --config '{"address": "localhost:8500"}'

Config Policy:
NAMESPACE          KEY                     TYPE      REQUIRED      DEFAULT    MINIMUM    MAXIMUM
bridge.consul      datacentre              string    false
bridge.consul      ssl_key                 string    false
bridge.consul      token                   string    false
bridge.consul      password                string    false
bridge.consul      address                 string    false
bridge.consul      username                string    false
bridge.consul      ssl_ca                  string    false
bridge.consul      scheme                  string    false
bridge.consul      ssl_cert                string    false
bridge.consul      insecure_skip_verify    bool      false         false

printConfigPolicy took 2.408139ms

2017/12/13 13:12:31 Bridge.init: configured telegraf input consul
Metric catalog will be updated to include:
Namespace: /consul/*/all

printMetricTypes took 314.801µs

Metrics that can be collected right now are:
    Namespace: /consul/consul_health_checks/service_id  Type: string      Value:
    Namespace: /consul/consul_health_checks/status      Type: string      Value: passing
    Namespace: /consul/consul_health_checks/passing     Type: int         Value: 1
    Namespace: /consul/consul_health_checks/critical    Type: int         Value: 0
    Namespace: /consul/consul_health_checks/warning     Type: int         Value: 0
    Namespace: /consul/consul_health_checks/check_name  Type: string      Value: Serf Health Status

printCollectMetrics took 2.14235ms


Plugins compatible with V2 Plugin API

To run plugin directly, execute following command:

sudo -u solarwinds /opt/SolarWinds/Snap/bin/<plugin_binary> --debug-mode --plugin-config '<config to use in JSON format>'

Having simliar example as for V1 Plugins API, the following reveals a config isue with the consul plugin. The service is running on port 8500 on the host, but the config is looking at port 80.

sudo -u solarwinds /opt/SolarWinds/Snap/bin/snap-plugin-collector-bridge --debug-mode --plugin-config '{"consul": {"address": "localhost:80"}}'
Error occurred during metrics collection in a standalone mode (reason: user-defined Collect method ended with error: error gathering metrics from consul: Unexpected response code: 404 (<html>
<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>
<hr><center>nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)</center>

Fixing the config resolves the issue, and shows a successful collection.

sudo -u solarwinds /opt/SolarWinds/Snap/bin/snap-plugin-collector-bridge --debug-mode --plugin-config '{"consul": {"address": "localhost:8500"}}'
Gathered metrics (length=6):
/consul/consul_health_checks/passing 1 {map[check_id:serfHealth collector_plugin:consul node:485a1dc4851c service_name:]}
/consul/consul_health_checks/critical 0 {map[check_id:serfHealth collector_plugin:consul node:485a1dc4851c service_name:]}
/consul/consul_health_checks/warning 0 {map[check_id:serfHealth collector_plugin:consul node:485a1dc4851c service_name:]}
/consul/consul_health_checks/check_name Serf Health Status {map[check_id:serfHealth collector_plugin:consul node:485a1dc4851c service_name:]}
/consul/consul_health_checks/service_id {map[check_id:serfHealth collector_plugin:consul node:485a1dc4851c service_name:]}
/consul/consul_health_checks/status passing {map[check_id:serfHealth collector_plugin:consul node:485a1dc4851c service_name:]}

Navigation Notice: When the APM Integrated Experience is enabled, AppOptics shares a common navigation and enhanced feature set with other integrated experience products. How you navigate AppOptics and access its features may vary from these instructions.

The scripts are not supported under any SolarWinds support program or service. The scripts are provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. SolarWinds further disclaims all warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. The risk arising out of the use or performance of the scripts and documentation stays with you. In no event shall SolarWinds or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the scripts be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the scripts or documentation.