Documentation forAppOptics

Custom Instrumentation

The following content pertains to custom instrumentation for the legacy AppOptics agents.

AppOptics agents are no long receiving updates. The new SolarWinds Observability libraries can send APM data in AppOptics and are regularly updated with new features and improvements. If you are still relying on the AppOptics agents and your components are supported by the new libraries, consider transitioning to the SolarWinds Observability libraries for your APM needs. Alternatively, you can use SolarWinds Observability as your primary APM solution.

If you have already transitioned to the new SolarWinds Observability libraries, see the SolarWinds Observability APM Services documentation for custom instrumentation information.

SolarWinds Observability libraries are not compatible with AppOptics agents. Do not use a mix of SolarWinds Observability libraries and AppOptics agents to instrument applications that are part of a distributed trace.

Custom instrumentation can be used to get extra application-specific visibility in AppOptics. Overall, there are numerous options for providing custom data including statsd, our REST API, and other plugins. However, in an APM-instrumented application the language SDK methods provided by the agent can be the simplest and most performant ways to get additional visibility. The SDK methods can be used to log more details as spans on a traced request, and report custom timer/counter metrics.

Custom spans for distributed tracing

AppOptics traces are formed of spans tracking service execution and data logged along the way. The APM agents log spans for key application and language features out of the box, including most common frameworks and libraries.

However, it's quite simple to add custom span instrumentation in your favorite language, for instance:

import appoptics_apm
def my_possibly_slow_method(...):

What does that log_method decorator do? Read on for a quick anatomy of spans.

Primer: spans

All agent SDK calls, whether exposed as annotation, decorator or function, essentially create events which are the building blocks of a span, which in turn build a trace. An event can be represented as a set of key-value (KV) pairs; this is displayed in the Raw Data when you click on a span in the Trace Detail. An example is shown below, note that certain KVs such as those keyed by Host* are automatically added during trace processing so should not be set in the SDK call.


Details: events, spans and traces

An event is a set of KV pairs which records a point in the execution flow of a request through the application. There are four types of events as defined by the Label KV:

  • entry and exit are used to begin and end a span
  • info is used to log more information into a particular span
  • error is used to log errors/exceptions

A pair of entry and exit events form a span which captures timing and other important data about a particular operation in the application.

A collection of linked spans form the trace which shows the entire flow and performance of a request (aka transaction) as it traverses the components and distributed systems in the application.

Spans are usually linked automatically by agent's context tracking. There could be some edge cases that explicit context propagation is necessary by using SDK calls. Refer to each language agent SDK for details.

Each trace has a root span which is not linked to any parent span, and represents both the entire transaction and its entry point into the application.

The SDK annotations, decorators and higher level span-specific functions take care of creating the underlying events to form a span. However, when using lower level SDK calls that create a single event, you must ensure that the calls are made in the proper order and set the expected KVs to generate the matching entry and exit required for a span. The rules are as follows:

  • The first SDK call marking entry into a new span must set Label to entry and Layer to a descriptive span name.
  • The final SDK call marking exit from the span must set Label to exit and Layer to the same span name as the entry event.
  • A span can have any number of intervening events (most commonly info and error) between the entry and exit. SolarWinds recommends that you explicitly set Layer to the same span name as the entry event; if unset, it defaults to the name of the current span.
  • A span can have nested sub-spans.


Special span types

How does AppOptics decide whether a span is a database query, a remote service call, or just part of an application? Trace processing interprets the KVs reported on a span, using the set of rules specified below, so that certain spans receive special treatment. Spans that do not fit these rules will still be processed but categorized as generic spans.

The KV pairs can be set in any of the entry, info or exit events of the span.

The required KVs must be set for a span to be recognized as a particular type, while optional KVs provide additional information that enhance AppOptics trace processing and analytics.


Cache represents the operations against key-value stores such as Memcached and Redis.

Key Name Value Type Required Description
Flavor string yes The cache type memcache, redis, etc.
KVOp string yes The type of operation get, set, etc.
RemoteHost string yes (if no RemoteHostPool) The hostname or IP of the remote host connected to for this operation.
RemoteHostPool array yes (if no RemoteHost) A list of the hostnames or IPs that are part of the pool being used.
Spec string yes Must be cache.
KVHit boolean no Whether the get operation was a hit/miss.
KVHitCount integer no For multiget operations, the number of hits from requested keys.
KVKey string no Key name being operated on. This should be a single value, omit if there are multiple keys.
KVKeyCount integer no For multiget operations, the number of keys requested.

Controller action

MVC controller and action information can be associated to the transaction by adding these KVs to the root span of the trace as either:

  • an individual event with Label info and the required KVs, or
  • for compactness, the required KVs bundled into the entry or exit event of the root span
Key Name Value Type Required Description
Action string yes Name of the action, truncated at 40 UTF-8 characters.
Controller string yes Name of the controller, truncated at 40 UTF-8 characters.


Operations against a variety of SQL and NoSQL databases are represented by the database span.

Key Name Value Type Required Description
Flavor string yes The type of database being accessed mongodb, oracle, postgresql etc.
Query string yes The query text; if this is longer than 2048 bytes it should be truncated.
RemoteHost string yes (if no RemoteHostPool) The hostname or IP of the remote host connected to for this operation.
RemoteHostPool array yes (if no RemoteHost) A list of the hostnames or IPs that are part of the pool being used.
Spec string yes Must be query.
Database string no The name of the database being used.
QueryTruncated boolean no Whether the Query has been truncated.
QueryArgs array no An array that contains the query parameters set for prepared statements. This should be a list-style array if possible, but can be a dictionary/map-style array if necessary based on argument parameterization.


Error/exception is not strictly a span, since it is a point-in-time occurrence that should be reported as either:

  • an individual event with Label error and the required KVs, or
  • for compactness, the required KVs bundled into the entry or exit event of the span in which the error occured
Key Name Value Type Required Description
Label string yes (if outside of a span) Must be error.
ErrorClass string yes The type of error.
ErrorMsg string yes A more specific error message.
Layer string no Name of the span at the point of error/exception.

Remote service

This represents a call to a remote service via RPC/HTTP transport.

Key Name Value Type Required Description
IsService boolean yes Must be set to true.
RemoteURL string yes The requested URI, e.g.
Spec string yes Must be rsc.
HTTPMethod string no The HTTP method used such as GET, POST, etc.
HTTPStatus string no The HTTP status code returned.

Server/application entry point

This is the start, or root span, of each trace and represents the point where a transaction first enters the service. In a distributed architecture the trace may cross multiple services and thus have multiple entry point spans; this is possible because a unique trace context is created for the transaction upon entry into the first service. Whenever execution flow leaves the current process, for example via an RPC call, the trace context must be propagated in the call (in many cases as an X-Trace header), and the entry point of the downstream service must look for and continue an incoming trace context.

The APM agents automatically instrument most HTTP-based entry and exit points, so you should seldom need to use the SDK to create the span types described below. If you do need to use the SDK to start a trace, note that there are specific calls provided by each language agent such as .NET's Trace.StartTrace() and Trace.ContinueTrace() that should be used in order to propagate any incoming Trace ID.

Note also that each language agent SDK provides a way to set a custom transaction name on the trace, which is automatically added to the root span as the TransactionName KV.

Web server

This represents an HTTP server entry point into the application.

Key Name Value Type Required Description
HTTP-Host string yes The domain name of the server, and (optionally) the port number on which the server is listening., e.g. Host header of the request,
HTTPMethod string yes The HTTP request method GET, POST, etc.
Spec string yes Must be ws.
Status integer yes The HTTP response status code, e.g. 200, 404, etc.
URL string yes The URL portion after domain name and port, typically the path to the resource and any query parameters, e.g. value of the REQUEST_URI server variable.
ClientIP string no Client IP address, e.g. value of the REMOTE_ADDR server variable.

Custom timers/counters for metric reporting and alerting

Custom metrics allow timing and counters/gauges for use in dashboarding and alerting:

long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

// some work here...

long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
Metrics.summaryMetric("my-work-duration", duration, tags);
Metrics.incrementMetric("my-work-count", tags);

There are also a number of other ways to provide custom metrics including statsd, our REST API, and other plugins.

Language SDKs

The APM agent SDK provides support specifically tailored to the conventions of each language:

Navigation Notice: When the APM Integrated Experience is enabled, AppOptics shares a common navigation and enhanced feature set with other integrated experience products. How you navigate AppOptics and access its features may vary from these instructions.

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