Documentation forWeb Performance Monitor

Use text verification in the Deprecated WPM Recorder

Click here to learn about recorders supported in the latest WPM release.

Monitoring is not only about playing back sequences, but also about verifying that the results are what you expect. For example, after recording a login sequence, you may want to add a check on the next web page to find any text that says, "Login successful," "Welcome," or some other keyword indicating that the login action was successful.

If the match is not successful, WPM sets the transaction status to Down. Typically, you want to make the text matching action the first action on the page that is loaded after logging in.

To set a "Success means (a Page Contains Certain Text)" verification:

  1. Click the text verification icon: .
  2. Enter the text to search for in the Enter Text to Match box.
  3. Click Page Contains Text.
  4. Click OK.

You can also verify that a page does not contain certain text, for example, "Error" or "Not found".

To set a "Success means (a Page Does not Contain Certain Text)" verification:

  1. Click the text verification icon: .
  2. Enter the text to search for in the Enter Text to Match box.
  3. Click Page Does not Contain Text.
  4. Click OK.