Documentation forSecurity Event Manager

Set the date, time, and time zone on your SEM VM

This topic describes how to synchronize the date and time settings on the hypervisor and the SEM VM.

The SEM VM is configured to synchronize with the hypervisor date and time by default. If the time is off by more than five minutes, the SEM rules will not operate properly.

  1. Open the CMC command line.

    See Log in to the SEM CMC command line interface for instructions.

  2. Update the time zone in your SEM Manager.
    1. At the cmc> prompt, type appliance, and then press Enter.
    2. At the cmc::appliance> prompt, type dateconfig, and then press Enter.
    3. Press Enter, and then enter the current date in month/day/year format (MM/DD/YYYY).
    4. At the cmc::appliance> prompt, type tzconfig, and then press Enter.
    5. At the Geographic area prompt, enter the number that matches the geographical area where you live, and then press Enter.

    6. At the Time zone prompt, enter the name or number of the city or region that matches your time zone, and then press Enter.

      Your entry is case sensitive. Be sure to enter the city or region name correctly.
    7. At the cmc::appliance> prompt, type exit, and then press Enter to return to the main menu.
  3. Update the time in your hypervisor.

    1. At the cmc> prompt, type manager, and then press Enter.

    2. At the cmc::manager> prompt, type viewsysinfo, and then press Enter.

      The system information info displays.

      Virtualization Platform: VMware
        Synchronization : Enabled  
        Hypervisor Time : 6 May 2016 09:07:31
        Guest Time      : Fri May 6 09:07:31 2016				
    3. Using the keyboard, scroll down to Hypervisor Time and change the date and time so they match the date and time in the SEM Manager.

      Press h for help with moving and line editing commands.

    4. Using the keyboard, scroll down to Guest Time and ensure that the date and time matches the same settings in the SEM appliance.

  4. Type Exit, and then press Enter.

  5. To exit the CMC interface, type Exit, and then press Enter again.