Documentation forSolarWinds Platform

Change the agent port to match the open port on the SolarWinds Platform server

This topic applies only to the following SolarWinds Platform products:

Hybrid Cloud Observability EssentialsHybrid Cloud Observability Advanced


This only applies to agents in agent-initiated communication mode.

Agents connect to port 17778 on the SolarWinds Platform server or Additional Polling Engine by default. You must change the messaging port on the SolarWinds Platform server or Additional Polling Engine AND on each agent in agent-initiated communication mode.

Manually change the port on the SolarWinds Platform server or Additional Polling Engine

  1. On the SolarWinds Platform server or Additional Polling Engine, edit the following configuration file using a text editor:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\SolarWinds\Orion\AgentManagement\SolarWinds.AgentManagement.ServiceCore.dll.config

  2. Change the port number on the following line:

    <agentManagementServiceConfiguration messagingPort="17778" />

  3. Save the file.
  4. Restart the SolarWinds Orion Module Engine service.
  5. Ensure your firewall rules are updated to allow communication through the new port.
  • If you installed the agent manually, you can change the port number during installation through the wizard in the web console.
  • If you deployed the agent from the server, the port number is set automatically.
  • If you used the MST file for mass deployment, you must download a new MST file from the server after you change the port number.

Update the port on agents deployed on Windows

  1. Log in to the computer with the deployed agent.
  2. Open Orion Agent Settings in the Control Panel.
  3. Enter a new port number, and click OK.

The agents direct communications with the server to the new port number.

Update the port on agents deployed on Linux/Unix-based devices

  1. Log on to the device with the agent installed on it. You may need to su to an account with root-level privileges.
  2. In the terminal, type /opt/SolarWinds/Agent/bin/ init.
  3. Choose option 3 and enter the new port number.
  4. Enter 7 to save your changes.

The agents direct communications with the server to the new port number.