Documentation forKiwi CatTools

Client script - cl. variables and functions

Below is a list of CatTools client cl. variables, functions and sub routines, with some examples of how to implement them in your custom activity client script files.

This is not a full set of all the internal client variables and functions used within the CatTools application. It contains details of those from within the client script template files, plus a few additional ones which may be useful when creating your custom activity client scripts.


cl.AppPath The application path (install directory) of the CatTools program.
cl.ScheduleNumber The current schedule number.

The name of the device currently connected to.


The connection status for the instance of the protocol engine control TelnetConnectionStatus client thread.

For example: Test current client connection status and exit function if status is not 'OK'.

If StrComp(cl.TelnetConnectionStatus, "OK", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then Exit
cl.QuitNow A variable that is checked in a number of places within an activity to stop it running. For example, it is set to 1 when the 'STOP' button is pressed while an activity is running. This variable can only be referenced from within activity Client Scripts. Use the ct.QuitNow variable to reference within Main Scripts.

Functions and Sub routines

General and File


Sends a line of text to the Infolog.txt file and Info Log pane.

cl.LogToFile Writes data to a file.
cl.FileExists Checks for the existence of a file.
cl.CreateFile Create a new file using a given filename and path.
cl.DeleteFile Delete a file using a given filename and path.
cl.ReadFromFile Read in contents of a given file.
cl.ReplaceClientFilenameVariables Replace filename variables in client report filenames or meta variables with real text values.
cl.SaveResults Save results to a temporary .txt file within the \ClientTemp folder.



Determine whether a particular option has been selected within a given activity.

Get activity field value from the CatTools database



Disconnect instance of the (protocol engine control) client thread from the end device.

Functions and Sub routines - Details and examples

The functions and sub routines listed in the above table are further detailed below with their input parameters and examples of their usage are provided.

cl.Log (iPriority, sMessage)

This sub routine sends a line of text to the Infolog.txt file and Info Log pane. It has two input parameters:


Integer range 1 to 4 representing the logging level for the line being sent.

  • 1=Error
  • 2=Warning
  • 3=Information
  • 4=Debug

Message text of the line being sent.


Log a level 3 (info) message if the 'Use alternate command' field in the activity Options tab is empty.

Dim sAltCommand
sAltCommand = cl.DBScheduleGetField(cl.ScheduleNumber, "OptionsString1")
If Len(Trim(sAltCommand)) = 0 Then
	cl.Log 3, "No alternate command specified"
End if

cl.LogToFile (sFilename, sData, bAppend)

This sub routine writes data to a given file. It has three input parameters:


String of the filename and path of the file to write data to.

sData String of data to write.

Boolean value. If bAppend is not 0 - not False - then the file is appended to.


Log a level 2 (warning) message to the Info Log and write a line to a text file in the Reports folder if the 'Use alternate command' field in the activity Options tab is empty.

Dim sLogResultsFile
Dim sAltCommand

sLogResultsFile = cl.AppPath & "Reports\" & cl.UniqueFileID & ".txt"
sAltCommand = cl.DBScheduleGetField(cl.ScheduleNumber, "OptionsString1")

If Len(Trim(sAltCommand)) = 0 Then
	cl.Log 2, "No alternative command specified"
	Call cl.LogToFile(sLogResultsFile, "No alternative command specified in activity Options tab", 1)
End if

cl.FileExists(sFileName) As Boolean

This function checks for the existence of a given file. The function returns True if the file was found, False if not. It has one input parameter:

sFileName String of the filename and path of the file that existence is being tested for.

cl.CreateFile(sFileName) As Boolean

This function is used to create a new file using the given filename and path. The function returns True if the file already exists, or the file creation was successful, else it returns False. It has one input parameter:

sFileName String of the filename and path of the file to create.

cl.DeleteFile(sFileName) As Boolean

This function is used to delete a file using the given filename and path. The function returns True if the file has been deleted successfully, else it returns False. It has one input parameter:

sFileName String of the filename and path of the file to delete.

cl.ReadFromFile(sFileName) As String

This function is used to read in the contents of a given file. The function returns a string of the file data. It performs the same operation as the CatTools function ct.ReadFromFile, but can only be called from within an activity Client Script. It has one input parameter:

sFileName String of the filename and path of the file to read in the contents of.


Read in the contents of a given file, in this case a list of CLI commands.

Dim sFileName
Dim sCommandList

If cl.DBCheckScheduleOption(cl.ScheduleNumber, 1) = 0 Then
	' Option selected to load CLI commands to send to device from a file
	sFileName = cl.DBScheduleGetField(cl.ScheduleNumber, "OptionsString2")
	sCommandList = cl.ReadFromFile(sFileName)
End If

cl.ReplaceClientFilenameVariables(sData) As String

This function is used to replace any filename variables in the client report filenames or meta variables in the commands to be sent to the device, with the actual text values. It returns the modified string with the variables replaced. It has one input parameter:

sData String of the filename and path of the file; or command list being checked.


Replace any filename variables of a given file, then read in its contents (in this case a list of CLI commands). Next, replace and meta variables within the command list.

Dim sFileName
Dim sCommandList

If cl.DBCheckScheduleOption(cl.ScheduleNumber, 1) = 0 Then
	' Option selected to load CLI commands to send to device from a file
	sFileName = cl.DBScheduleGetField(cl.ScheduleNumber, "OptionsString2")

	' Replace any filename variables
	sFileName = cl.ReplaceClientFilenameVariables(sFileName)

	' Read in the file contents
	sCommandList = cl.ReadFromFile(sFileName)

	' Replace meta (command) variables with values
	sCommandList = cl.ReplaceClientFilenameVariables(sCommandList)
End If

cl.SaveResults(sData, bAppend)

This sub routine saves the results to a temporary .txt file within the \ClientTemp folder. It has two input parameters:

sData String of data to write.

Boolean value. If bAppend is 0 (False), then the file will be overwritten,

otherwise it is appended to.


Save current device response sResults to a temporary .txt file overwriting any existing data.

Call cl.SaveResults(sResults, 0)

cl.DBCheckScheduleOption(lScheduleNumber, lOptionNumber) As Long

This function is used to determine whether particular options have been selected within a given activity. It has two input parameters:

lScheduleNumber The current schedule number as a Long.

The option item within the activity we are checking as a Long.

lOptionNumber must be between 1 and 10 (inclusive).


Check an activity, in this instance a Device.CLI.Send commands activity, to see if the output of the commands should be emailed.

lRetVal = cl.DBCheckScheduleOption(cl.ScheduleNumber, 8)
If lRetVal = 1 then
	' code to email commands goes here...
End if

cl.DBScheduleGetField(lScheduleNumber, sFieldName)

This function is used to get a field value from the CatTools database for a given activity. It performs the same operation as the CatTools function ct.DBScheduleGetField, but can only be called from within an activity Client Script. It has two input parameters:


The current schedule number as a Long.


The field name in the database we want to get the value of as a String.


Used in conjunction with the cl.DBCheckScheduleOption function above, check an activity to see if the 'Use alternate command' check-box is selected in the activity Options tab. If it is, it gets the value from the database for the alternate command we want to send.

' Check the option 1 check-box to see if selected - i.e. set to 1
If cl.DBCheckScheduleOption(cl.ScheduleNumber, 1) = 1 Then
	' Get value from database for associated string field (being field "OptionsString1" in the
	database) to set a variable value
	sAltCommand = cl.DBScheduleGetField(cl.ScheduleNumber, "OptionsString1")
End If


This sub routine is used to disconnect the instance of the (protocol engine control) client thread from the end device. It should be called after the device has been logged out of to disconnect the client thread gracefully.